Response to dffb students statement and alternative approach to discussing the conflict in the Middle East

We, a group of students and alumni of DFFB, are deeply distressed by the letter and petition that followed which aims to support Palestinians, defend the freedom of speech and tackle racism, all the while being in itself an antisemitic, inaccurate text which does not call for peace and balance, but rather reflects selective empathy and a lack of moral responsibility.

We denounce all forms of violence in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank and we are deeply concerned over the civilians killed and injured during this conflict and the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We are against the oppression of the Palestinian people both by Hamas and by the right-wing Israeli government and pray for a future in which Palestinians and Israelis can live together in peace and equality.

Regarding the situation in Germany and Europe, we stand for human rights, the freedom of demonstration and the freedom of speech.

A plea for peace and ceasefire has every right to be heard!

A plea which does not acknowledge the ongoing mass hostage emergency, the historical context, and the atrocities committed in Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023 - the bloodiest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust - feels like a cynical exploitment of the pain and suffering this letter falsely claims to defend.

It is crucial to acknowledge Israel's right and necessity to defend its citizens against the indiscriminate and ongoing attacks on its civilians by Hamas - a terror organization that has repeatedly and openly called for the eradication of Israel while it embeds itself within the civilian population in Gaza, intentionally endangering civilians.

It is crucial to acknowledge that Israel is a state of and for refugees, a state that was established after the holocaust to be a safe haven for those who survived the genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jews in Europe during WWII, and which has since also been of vital importance for the Jews affected by ethnic cleansing in the Middle East and Africa.

We firmly oppose the illegal settlements and the systematic oppression of Palestinians in the West Bank. Characterizing Israel as a mere colonial settler state delegitimizes its right to exist. Denying the existence of Jewish life in the region for thousands of years and disregarding the history of wars and aggressions against Israel since the founding of the state fosters a dangerous antisemitic sentiment in our society.

To neglect essential facts of this ongoing crisis, and to choose a one-sided political agenda over the sanctity of human lives regardless of their nationality has deeply saddened us, especially when coming from within our community. We must condemn such an imbalanced text and petition. We must take a stand against these sorts of statements that seem to be directed at the simple goal of dividing and sparking violence.

Grief knows no borders. We strongly believe that, as a society, we need to hold a space to mourn the innocent losses on all sides and to demonstrate for peace. That said, there cannot be any space or tolerance for any form of antisemitism, nor can there be space for racism or Islamophobia. We denounce any attempt to use the fight against antisemitism to spread hatred against Muslims, and we denounce misusing struggles for decolonisation to promote antisemitism.

We believe that by failing to condemn the indescribable terror of Hamas and its role of strategically escalating this conflict, the authors and signatories of the petition take part in an ongoing process of dehumanization, which we can not accept.

To promote a one-sided biased narrative is emotionally and intellectually lazy, it is irresponsible and it only contributes to the perpetuation of violence. Our job as artists and filmmakers is to try and go deeper, try and see the complexity of reality. Our responsibility as a community is to hold discussions that allow a space for peace.

Initiated & Signed by:
Liel Simon, Rebeca Ofek, Florian Dietrich, Katharina Woll, Albrecht von Grünhagen, Matan Radin, Rebecca Martin, Sabine Schmidt, Beliban zu Stolberg, Alexandra Balteanu, Stanislav Danylyshyn, Florian Plumeyer, Annika Pinske, Kristina Kean Stubert, Margarita Amineva-Jester, Jonas Rothländer.

Sign the petition

*Mind the risks of public association. You can also sign anonymously or use a pseudonym.

124 Signatures

18/4/2024Birgit Wittemann FreelanceDramaturgin
18/4/2024Benjamin CantuRegisseurRegisseur
18/4/2024Christian WernerFreiberuflerRegisseur
18/4/2024Georg MariothfreiDrehbuchautor
18/4/2024Julia grünewaldPrivatDramaturgie
18/4/2024Henrika KullIndependentRegisseurin / Drehbuchautorin
18/4/2024Isabelle Steverdffb Freie Dozentin für Regie
9/12/2023Kyra Jellinek PrivatPrivat
1/12/2023Katalin GödrösIfsRegisseurin/Professorin
27/11/2023Miky WajnermanFreelance DOP
27/11/2023malte siependffbDoP
27/11/2023Johann LeibkeineFilmfestivalleiter
23/11/2023Jutta PohlmannFreelanceDozentin, DOP
22/11/2023Felix Zimmer keineSchauspieler
21/11/2023Suse MarquardtSuse Marquardt CastingCasting Director
19/11/2023David EsserFreelanceSound Designer
19/11/2023Anastasya StolyarovFilmuni Babelsberg KW AlumnaFilm Editor
18/11/2023Marcus HanischDFFBRegisseur
18/11/2023Jelena Trivic//////
18/11/2023Hengge MariafreelanceSchauspielerin, Filmemacherin
17/11/2023Christian Alexander RoglerverschiedeneSchauspieler, Produzent
17/11/2023Josefin Kwonfreelancecostume/stagedesign
17/11/2023Kai Schoormannhff potsdam-babelsberg alumnusredakteur
17/11/2023Linda Blüml NoneModel maker
17/11/2023Oliver ZengleinCrew UnitedCEO
16/11/2023MC Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Author
16/11/2023Britta Wilkening -Barnsteiner Filmverleih Geschäftsleitung
16/11/2023Norbert Kanthakprivatkeine
16/11/2023gisa schleeleindffb alumnafilmmaker
16/11/2023Kristina ShtubertdffbRegie
16/11/2023Ivan CvetkovicPrivatsenderRedakteur
16/11/2023Nicola Hensdffb alumnifilmmaker
16/11/2023Thomas Zutavern KeineKeine
16/11/2023Arnd SchirmerkeineJournalis
16/11/2023Aleksandra Odicdffb AlumniDirector
16/11/2023Luise Helmnoneactor
16/11/2023Lucas ThiemAlumnusAutor
16/11/2023Adam Yassour Studio Animation director
15/11/2023Sascha VredenburgFilmakademie Baden-Württemberg Regisseur
15/11/2023Laura von Portatius///Produzentin
15/11/2023Aviv Kosloff NoneDirector
15/11/2023Babette KavkaC3Director
15/11/2023Amos GevsDffb Alumni Producer
15/11/2023Sharon Pineda Ryba-KahnNoneDirector
15/11/2023Margarita Amineva-JesterDFFB alumnaProducer
15/11/2023Amit GurConservatorium van AmsterdamLecturer
14/11/2023Ina Dinsedffbstudent
13/11/2023Charlotte KennelDffbStudent
13/11/2023Cornelia Hermann Dffb Dozentin, Tutorin
13/11/2023Boris ChykulaydffbAssistenz Studienleitung
13/11/2023Simona FeldmanDffbDirector
13/11/2023Borbála NagyDFFBDirector
13/11/2023Andrej GontcharovdffbRegisseur
13/11/2023Franziska KrentzienDffb Absolventin Regisseurin/Dramaturgin
13/11/2023Louise von Johnston dffb alumniProducer
12/11/2023Teresa ProvindffbStudent
12/11/2023Emma Rosa Simondffb alumni filmmaker
12/11/2023Robert BohrerDffbDirector
12/11/2023Inga NietzeltFreelanceFashion & Textile Design
11/11/2023Luis Singerdffb alumniProducer
11/11/2023Birke BehrbbArt&Design
11/11/2023Katharina RivilisDFFB alumni & Filmuniversität Babelsberg alumniDirector / Actor
11/11/2023Sharon AngelhartNone None
10/11/2023Noga NezerTAUFilmmaker
10/11/2023Charlot van HeeswijkFreelanceArtist
10/11/2023Arvid KlapperFilmakademie Baden-Württemberg AlumniRegisseur
10/11/2023Sinje KöhlerFilmakademie Baden-Württemberg AlumniRegisseurin
10/11/2023Onn HalFreelancerFilmmaker
10/11/2023Lisa Bierwirth
10/11/2023Renée Gerschke///Student
10/11/2023Alexander Lee FreelanceActor
10/11/2023Angelika Zöllmer-DanielFilmklubVorstand - Schriftführerin
10/11/2023Lisa Rolingdffb
10/11/2023Matan Radindffb alum 2 died in my familyKamera
10/11/2023Anna Sofie HartmannDffb-alumniDirector
10/11/2023Jakob Krüger Dffb AlumniDirector of Photography
10/11/2023Tobias GaedeSilva FilmProduzent
10/11/2023Garry FischmannSchauspieler
10/11/2023Jana KreisslSilva Film Produzentin
10/11/2023Soja Kamenskaja
10/11/2023Claudia Schröder dffb Alumni
10/11/2023Dennis Schanz
9/11/2023Nela BartschHMT Leipzigactress and lecturer
9/11/2023OPMGHPAGraphic Designer
9/11/2023Nicole MorierFreelanceSongwriter
9/11/2023Vanessa Wildmann Lehrerin
9/11/2023Folker Albrecht OwnActor
9/11/2023Sarah BoriesBfdWProjectmanager
9/11/2023Marte Kiessling Freelance
9/11/2023Esther BeckerWriter
9/11/2023Isabelle MünchFriends Connection Agency Owner
9/11/2023Ariel Nil LevyProducer, author, actor
9/11/2023Tanja Schuhdffb Alumni Casting Director
9/11/2023Nigel Karte
9/11/2023Victoria RauschBHT
9/11/2023Markus Koob
9/11/2023Shlomo KrausTAU
9/11/2023Francesca Noia
9/11/2023Isis Struiksma DffbStudent
9/11/2023RAN SIMONKRESTON GLOBALManaging partner Kreston IL Group
9/11/2023Guy Taler
9/11/2023Anna Guddat filmuniversität babelsbergtutor
9/11/2023Sivan Levy Zakin
9/11/2023Yotam Ishay 1st AD
9/11/2023Hannes WegenerArtistActor
9/11/2023Shiri Simon Segal Data Scientist
9/11/2023Kyra Schnadt
9/11/2023Eline GehringDFFBDirector
9/11/2023רפאלTIKKUN OLAMKabbalist
9/11/2023Coral Art therapist
9/11/2023Navit BarOpen University of Israel
9/11/2023Minako Sasajima
9/11/2023Ilil zeußel
9/11/2023Henrika Kull
9/11/2023Maya SchlesingerTel Aviv University TAU
9/11/2023Mareike Sophie Danisch
9/11/2023Ithamar Handelman SmithRabbi
9/11/2023Anna Sagalovskaya Agency for Actors/Actresses, Directors & ScreenwritersAgent & CEO
9/11/2023Viola Retzmannehemals dffbAssistenz Studienleitung
9/11/2023Rebeca Ofekdffb Alumni Director
9/11/2023Liel SimonDFFBStudent
9/11/2023nadi coHITAlumni